Readeck Configuration

When you first start Readeck, it creates a default configuration file config.toml if it doesn't exist already.

Default configuration

This file contains a basic configuration as in this example:

log_level = "info"
secret_key = "some long secret key, can be anything"
data_directory = "data"

host = ""
port = 8000

source = "sqlite3:data/db.sqlite3"

You can start Readeck with a different configuration file, using the -config flag when starting the server. For example:

readeck server -config /etc/readeck/config.toml


If you run Readeck with Docker or Podman with a named volume, you'll find the configuration file in the volume's _data/config.toml folder.

Full Configuration

[main] section

Name Environment Default Description
log_level READECK_LOG_LEVEL info Defines the application log level. Can be one of error, warning, info, debug.
secret_key - The main secret key. It must be set and be a long string of random characters.
data_directory data The directory where Readeck stores its content. If it's not an absolute path, it's relative to the current working directory.


Do not change an already set secret_key.

[server] section

Name Environment Default Description
host READECK_SERVER_HOST The IP address on which Readeck listens to
port READECK_SERVER_PORT 8000 The TCP port on which Readeck listens to
prefix READECK_SERVER_PREFIX / The URL prefix of Readeck.
allowed_hosts READECK_ALLOWED_HOSTS A list of hostnames allowed in HTTP requests.
use_x_forwarded_for READECK_USE_X_FORWARDED false Use the X-Forwarded-For header to determine the client IP address.
use_x_forwarded_host READECK_USE_X_FORWARDED false Use the X-Forwarded-Host header to determine the instance hostname.
use_x_forwarded_proto READECK_USE_X_FORWARDED false Use the X-Forwarded-Proto header to determine the instance HTTP scheme.


You can use the same environment variable READECK_USE_X_FORWARDED to set all use_x_forwarded_* values at once.

[database] section

Name Environment Default Description
source READECK_DATABASE_SOURCE sqlite3:data/db.sqlite3 The URL of the instance's database. See bellow for examples.

The source value is a URL of the following format:

For SQLite, the <host>:<port> value is the path to the database file.

For example, to use SQLite with a file in /var/lib/readeck.sqlite:

source = "sqlite3:/var/lib/readeck.sqlite"

For a PostgreSQL connection on the database readeck on localhost:5432 with the user readeck with a password password:

source = "postgres://readeck:password@localhost:5432/readeck"

Do I need PostgreSQL?

Readeck's performances with SQLite will be solid in most use cases and you don't really need anything else unless you plan to have several instances behind a load balancer but it's beyond the scope of this documentation.

SQLite and NFS

Do NOT, under any circumstances, target a SQLite database located on an NFS mount point.

[email] section

The email setup is optional but will unlock the ability to send emails, especially for password recovery. This is something you might want if you have several users.

Name Environment Default Description
host The SMTP Host to send emails through
port The TCP Port of the SMTP host
username The SMTP username if needed
password The SMTP password if needed
insecure false Do not use an encrypted transport when true
encryption One of starttls or ssltls. Sets the encryption mechanism of the SMTP host
from Email address of the From messages header.
from_noreply Email address of the From header for messages that don't need a reply.

Here's an example of an email section:

host = ""
port = 465
username = ""
password = "12345678"
encryption = "ssltls"
from = ""
from_noreply = ""

[extractor] section

This section controls the extraction process, when a user submit a new link to save.

Name Environment Default Description
workers Total number of cores The number of extraction worker process that can run at the same time.
content_scripts data/content-scripts The location of the instance's custom content scripts.
denied_ips ["", "::1/128",] A list of IP addresses that can never be extracted.

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